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noy - God is love. Before everything exist, God exists in 3 Persons, Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Before everything They live in love. They glorify each other. Love is endless.
  • 1 Corinthians 13:13: “So now abide faith, hope, and love, these three. But the greatest of these is love”.
Now love is divided into 3 categories: wordly love, love for the world (different), and spiritual love.
  1. Wordly love is like this. When A saw his friend, B is killed, A was really sad and angry and seek revenge to C for B’ sake, because A’s love to B. This is wrong. Sounds true but really wrong. Wordly love can be called, “obssessed/blinded by love”.
  2. Love for the world is, the simple answer is hate and enmity with God. Hate and enmity with God is not mock and blaspheme God, but hate God is keep sinning, keep violating His law, keep pooh-pooh about His commandments. This kind of love is for wordly and lukewarm Christians.
  3. Spiritual love is, to keep these 2 commandments:
  • “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind”.
  • “Love your neighbors as you love yourself”.
And spiritual love is holy and justified and righteous. 
Sometimes, spiritual and wordly love mixed. Example: A is a Christian, radical. When a muslim mocked Jesus, A punched the muslim. He said he do it because he loved the Lord. But he not at all and absolutely not loved the Lord. He is blinded by love.
Spiritual love, is not blinded by love. Spiritual love, is, awakened by love, motivated by love, by mercy. Spiritual love is perfect love. Spiritual love is agape love. And spiritual love is justified and righteous
Paul wrote, without love he is worthless. Without the perfect love, someone is really worthless. For, if he has faith, hope, but without love, how can he go to heaven?
Heaven is a world of love. To enter into heaven requires the perfect love. Someone enters heaven because he is motivated by love.
Jesus said, “do that (the first and second commandments) and you will have live”. So we must learn from the Lord to love another, and love our enemies. Our love to the Lord is practiced and revealed with loving and forgiving each other.
So to be saved, avoid the first and second love. Start practicing the third love. 1st and 2nd will bring us to hell. 3rd will bring us to heaven. Christians must choose: love the world or love God. If want to be saved, love God.

Remake from : Christian Sermons Wordpess :)
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